Monday, May 20, 2013

Ifs, ands, and buts of starting my photography business.

A post to my family and friends:

Have you ever had a goal you knew you wanted to reach, but you were afraid to step out and go for it? For a while now I've know that I want to go into photography as a career. I want to use my camera to capture moments and memories for other people. I love taking photos of Elijah. I love to look back at those pictures and remember those moments that passed so quickly and I want to provide that for others. I've been honing my skills, learning my camera up and down, practicing all the time. I know that I want to start my own business and share my skills. So what's stopping me?

Well, first there are the "ifs," such as - I'd start my own business IF I had more money (to buy more equipment, props, etc). I'd start building my portfolio IF I had more time.

Then you have the "ands." AND I'll need more experience before anyone will actually want to use me to capture their most precious moments. AND who is going to want to let me practice on them?

And don't forget the "buts." BUT what if it turns out I'm not that great? BUT what if I do a photo shoot and the people don't like the pictures? BUT how am I supposed to start my photography business when I'm already so busy? BUT what if I fail?

That's the biggest thing of all. What if I fail? What if I'm not good enough? What if I can't make enough money to actually do this as my career? There are a thousand things I could worry about. A million things that can hold me back. I'm sure you've been there at least once in your life.

But I know that if I want to make this happen, I can't sit around wishing and dreaming about it. I need to GO FOR IT. I'm afraid. No, I'm terrified. Of failure. Of rejection. Of wanting all of this and not knowing if it is going to work out. But I know that I have family and friends that support me, a husband who's got my back, and a God who knows what His plans for me are. And if I do fail, at least I can say that I tried. At least I won't look back and think "Why didn't I ever go for it? Why didn't I pursue my dream job?"And I'd rather give it a good run and do my best than have the regret of never taking that first step.

But I can't do it alone. I need support. I need encouragement. And most importantly - I need clients. I need beautiful faces to take pictures of. I need memories to capture. And you can help me. I need to build my portfolio so that I have photos to show to potential clients. Will you help me by letting me do a portfolio shoot of you/your family?

I'd love to ultimately specialize in newborn and birth photography. So any shoots like that would be absolutely wonderful. But I want to have a portfolio that shows a wide array of subjects - maternity, graduating seniors, kids, families, engagements (and other couples), etc. I can even do candid photography of a party or other event.

I want to make this happen. I want to reach my goal of having my own photography business so that I can help provide for my family by doing something that I absolutely love. I know I have a long way to go. A lot of learning to do. But I don't want to let my fear stand in the way of my dream.

Please let me know if you are interested in having a photo shoot done. You can contact me by personal message on my Facebook page. Or by e-mail at .

Thank you so much for reading and for your love and support.  -Kristen

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